NOTE: I forgot to "publish" this, so I'm guessing this was from about 1/10...
It's the weekend now. They got the old floor up and put down the Durock. And I got rid of that damn door! I've hated the door to the basement for as long as I can remember. It's always been in the way. But Mark wouldn't let met get rid of it. For years, when the meter readers would come, we would close it so they could come in the back door and we could close it so the dogs wouldn't follow them to the basement (or scare the crap out of them!) But they do all that from outside now, so they don't need to come in. Here's where the door was - it swung toward the window...
(I hate those stupid florescent lights that replace incandescent makes everything look yellowish!) Anyway, when it was open, which is all the time, the door swung close to the cabinets, so it was right against my back when I would be doing dishes or anything (plant stuff) at the sink. I hated it. Well, I told him this is it - it's TIME for the damn door to go! And I'm so glad - it looks so wonderfully opened up. And I think it's going to make the kitchen seem so much brighter, because the door will not be blocking the west window. YAY!
We're doing the tile down the stairs to the landing...
And here's a longshot of the durock on the floor...
Fridge goes on the right there against the cabinet, stove on the left, out of sight. (And the GH is to the right, through a slider...) I can't wait for it to be done. Especially since the stove and fridge (and everything else from the kitchen) are in the dining room! We're livin' a little cramped right now! LOL!
So yesterday, after I got home from work, I started working on cleaning out the fridge. Embarrassingly, they had to remove the doors to get it through the door to the dining room and it was a mess!! So I thought I'd take this opportunity to get it cleaned up before they have to put it back. We've had this fridge since before we remodled the kitchen the first time - about 20 years ago or so. We really, really need to replace it, but I just replaced the stove (because the oven had quit heating properly about 6 months ago) and the range hood, and I need to recover from that before I get a new fridge. And I figure I'll shoot for having one by the time we get the countertops and backsplash done, which I figure will take at least 6 months with the way things tend to go (and how dang expensive it all is!) Of course, I'll also have to have Jeff come in and paint the woodwork. It shouldn't be terribly expensive to do that... I hope!
Not much plant stuff going on other than maintaining. I'm trying to do a little "cleaning up" here and there. For instance, I chopped down the australis ssp. tenuipes in the sunroom. It was looking a little scraggly on the lattice. I made several cutting starts to hopefully sell this year - or give away as incentives to buy. I put my biggest macrophylla on the lattice. That's going to be a big change for it, from the south side of the sunroom to the north side. I think it will adjust fine, and I hope less light will mean more of those massive leaves. I like it there better, though, because you can see more of the plant. When it was on the other side of the room, hanging plants hid a lot of it. See how it looks now:
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