Succulent Ramblings

I like to ramble on about my plants... and other things! My hope is to log the progress of plants and talk about my frustrations with others. So, tune in, turn on, or drop out (if you find it boring!)

Monday, May 20, 2024


Yep, just another Saturday.  Yesterday, I dipped my toe in the auction pool and listed two of my Hoyas on Hoya Lovers FB page and apparently, this is not going to be a good year for auctions.  I've gotten nary a bid... and looking at others who have listed plants, neither have they.  So, I sent out some offerings to 40 of the folks on my HoyaPeeps customer list (I have about 140 total on my list.)  



Now it's Monday. I spent about 5 minutes on my blog Saturday and then my Aunt Judy called and we must have talked for an hour. I've had a sinus infection and haven't been able to talk much on the phone because it sends me into a coughing fit. I'm not a big fan of phone talking, but with her so far away and no chance of face-to-face talking, I guess that's all we have! It keeps me feeling connected to Mom. They talked every day for the most part.

So what I spent the majority of Saturday doing, well at least a few hours, was painting. Back when Mark was on his decline, in the hospital and in the home, I had my handyman painting the house. Well of course the greenhouse attaches to the house at the kitchen. I would never ask anyone to try to paint around my plants, so I told him I would take care of that. And jeezy peasy, that's almost 3 years ago now! So I thought I should get to it. Got all my plants out that I was going to put out, and for the front porch I put out the plants that hung at the back of the greenhouse close to the wall. So it's really spacious right now. Friday, I scrubbed down a section of wall. That was quite a chore in and of itself! Bucket of water, a scrub brush, and a lot of mess! The deep stucco traps dirt so it's quite a process. When the handyman painted the exterior of the house, of course he used a power washer to clean it. Can't do that inside a greenhouse! Anyway, Saturday I painted that section. Then yesterday I scrubbed another section of it, and this morning I painted that portion. I would say that I'm about half done square footage wise, but probably more like 1/3 done timewise. I'm coming up to the most tedious part of it which is above the doorway and down the other side on the south end. Lots of trim to deal with. And pulling out/pushing back the south shelf with each session. And oh boy, has it made my arthritis flare up in my hands! And up and down the ladder, which really isn't even that much, is hard on my hips and knees. Glad it's not much to deal with!

Now to vent a bit about a problem. The neighbors on the corner.. this house is a rental that almost always houses students that are renting for one year. So the changeover is annual. I've always had a problem with the people in that home pulling into my driveway. When these people moved in, I told them it's okay to pull in to load or unload large things, but otherwise not to use my driveway. Well it's gotten to the point where someone's in my driveway every single day. And those are just the ones I'm seeing. Obviously, I'm not standing at my window looking at my driveway 24/7! So I know if I'm seeing it once a day, it's probably happening far more often. Well unfortunately what tends to happen is that end of the driveway gets broken up much faster than the rest of the driveway. I'm sick of it! So I'm getting ready right now to sit down and call the property managers and give them a piece of my mind. We have to figure out a way to keep these people out of my driveway! I've also sat down and made template for a sign to have a professional sign made that I can put in my yard. I know that may irritate some people, but it can't be any more than it irritates me that they presume to use my driveway all the time. It's hard to believe that people are consistently so inconsiderate!

I'm sending a big box of plants to my friend, Karen, in NY this week in exchange for one of her quilts.  She is quite an artist when it comes to quilting.  I had her make quilts for each of Merry's boys' first babies.  They were both very impressive!  It'll be fun to get one to keep for myself.  And it will be good to get rid of some of these plants!  One way or the other, I'm going to be rid of all of the baby plants by fall!  I figure whatever doesn't sell at the farmer's market and online, I will take to Sheelytown (a little plant shop nearby) and see what they will give me for the lot...

More soon.


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