Succulent Ramblings

I like to ramble on about my plants... and other things! My hope is to log the progress of plants and talk about my frustrations with others. So, tune in, turn on, or drop out (if you find it boring!)

Friday, July 26, 2024

Always something... give thought to in this world. Biden dropped out of the race and, at first, I thought it could hurt the dem side.  Are older Americans ready for a woman president?  A NOT WHITE woman president?  Ok, we've had a black president and I think he was generally accepted except by extremists.  I think he did a fine job (pubs would disagree because there is NO good dem) and he was civilized, he was dignified, he was a good speaker, he was a fine diplomat - he was everything DT is NOT.  It was a stark contrast going from Obama to Trump.  Biden has been a decent president (again, pubs would disagree) but he WAS showing his age.  And that awful debate destroyed a lot of confidence in his ability to get through the next 4 years.  I mean, let's face it - being president is a severely aging job, and he can't afford to age anymore!

Anyway, it turns out that it seems Harris coming forward as the candidate has garnered a lot of enthusiasm for the party.  No, she doesn't have a lot of political experience, but I suspect that might be something on the plus side of the scale.  She's smart, so she will surround herself with people who excel where she lacks experience.  That's what smart people do!  And honestly, I think she can outshine Trump in enough areas that the pubs who have come to their senses about Trump will secretly vote for her.  Yes, the hard-core pubs, the radical gun-toting militia-loving extremists will still vote for him.  But I think as Donald continues to dig his hole, and as his new VP choice, who is as much a prick as he is, carries on that same undignified assault on... well, everyone!... it's a no-brainer that she's going to win. YAY!

And what is with that guy?  Why did he pick HIM?  At least Pence seemed to be an honorable human being.  He appeared to have class and dignity.  He was a stark contrast to Trump.  When Trump won, I thought, well with a little luck, maybe he will drop dead and Pence will take the reigns.  Yes, I actually thought that!  I'm not really proud of it, but one has to wonder how in the world, with all the choices, the pubs chose such a low-class, mean-spirited, ego maniacal bully to put on the ticket.  TWICE now!  If this is the best they can do, it might be time to reformat the party... And no, I don't think that is the best they can do.  They had some perfectly decent candidates to choose from before the primary.  I would LOVE to have the option of a decent pub to vote for!  

That's about all I have to say right now on that subject.  It's been getting hotter and next week looks like a doozy.  Heat index well over 100.  Yuck.  Next weekend is the Des Moines cactus club display and sale.  Seems like neither of our clubs can work up enough plants for a real "show" anymore.  All the old experienced growers are dying off and it's not much of a show with 4 or 5 people providing all the plants. Back before it got like this, we would bring in judges from other clubs - I was actually one of the judges (they usually bring in 3) at a DM show before I became a member.  And one of the reasons I became a member was that our club had quit doing shows and DM was still doing them, and this was my chance to keep showing.  So much for that!  I think this is their 3rd year of doing just a display.  It's probably been 6 or more years since out club quit doing shows.  We don't even have a formal display and sale anymore...

Above is my Aloe nobilis in bloom.  It's my biggest Aloe and I keep it in check by periodically  whacking it back and re-rooting it, which I did this last winter.  Typical of Aloes, the oldest lower leaves eventually die off and the stem becomes longer which means eventually, it starts to creep out of the pot and over the edge.  So the whacking comes at that point and I just start with fresh soil and fill the pot, setting the plant so the leaves rest on the edge of the pot and hold the old stem into the soil.  It roots fast this way.  And it doesn't seem to affect the annual blooming.  Here is a closeup of the inflorescence...












I just love the flowers on this one!  Reminds me of a flame...

Also blooming today is a teeny-tiny succulent that Kathy describes as "a little Joshua tree".  I got mine a couple years ago from a club member, and I put it in a tiny 3x4" bonsai pot.  I don't think it's grown an iota since I got it, but here it is with two of these cute little flowers that are about an inch across:

The botanical name is Sarcocaulon vandereitae, and since mine is so tiny, I'll just put a photo from the web for reference to show the tiny leaves:

I've had a dove on my back porch every single time I go out there the last few days.  I was starting to think she had built a nest right there on the porch, but I can't find it if she did.  She often sits there if I don't move too fast, and watches me.  I talk to her in a gentle voice, hoping she'll get used to me.  I wish I knew why she's hanging so close...

I'm trying to get a lot of stuff potted up to get sold before fall sets in.  Whatever I don't sell, I will donate.  Every early September, Holy Cross has a festival and they have a plant booth.  One of my neighbors, Melody, who has been here a couple years longer than us, started asking me about 20 years ago if I had plants to donate.  And I always have, except one year - the year (2022) that the hail took out so many of my plants.  This year, I will have a LOT of plants for her!  I did last year as well.  She (Michelle, the organizer) says my plants sell better than any of the others she gets.  She has a little GH herself and lives a few blocks from me, in the very NICE Morton Meadows.  I figure we're about the same age as she just retired last year.  She has several sales every summer, selling plants and other things in a garage sale.  I think she probably enjoys it as much as I do!

I suppose I should get back to my newsletter.  I need to have it done and out Sunday evening.  More later, probably after the display/sale weekend...


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