Succulent Ramblings

I like to ramble on about my plants... and other things! My hope is to log the progress of plants and talk about my frustrations with others. So, tune in, turn on, or drop out (if you find it boring!)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I'm so irritated, I could SPIT! Mark has been unemployed through the union for over 20 months now. Unemployment ran out months ago. We're paying for COBRA insurance, which will run out soon. There are over 100 sheet metal workers on the bench. We have been in survival mode for so long, I'm starting to wonder if this is what the rest of our lives is going to be like. I feel on the verge of tears half the time because I'm so scared. (But I'll add here that I keep a pretty good outward positive attitued, trying very hard not to add to Mark's feeling of inadequacy in not being able to do his part...) He has searched and searched and SEARCHED for a job, ANY freakin' job, and he finally started a job with a non-union HVAC company last week. They're calling it "temporary" - maybe only 3 weeks. And he's making less than half what he was making in the union (less than 1/3 if you count benefits...), but we were both so elated to have him find work in his field of expertise (commercial sheet metal) that we were practically jumping for joy.

So yesterday, he calls the union office, because union members are supposed to let them know if they get a job outside of the union, and they told him he better get his butt in there to fill out some paperwork because "you can be penalized for working for a rat outfit!" WHAT???!!!! We've been paying union dues in spite of the fact that there's practically NO work for 20 months - half dues are about $75/month. That's $1500. And how has that benefited us? This is such bullshit! Mark should tell then, "Listen, assholes, I'd be happy to go back to work and make twice as much as I'm making at this piddly-ass job. So get me a fucking union job!!!" Can you hear my utter disdain? Can you feel my anger? Man, I just want to hurt somebody...

It takes a lot to get me this riled up. I hope if someone is reading this, they don't think I'm some kind of psycho, but this just burns my ass... I'm starting to understand why a lot of people are so down on unions...


At 4:47 PM, Anonymous Kelly said...

I feel your pain...I have such mixed feelings about unions in today's society and with this ecomony...
So glad he's working though! Still praying it lasts for him!


At 5:37 PM, Blogger Julie said...

Oh...I am so sorry for your husbands troubles with the union. I can feel your pain and anger in this post. Hope things will resolve quickly!


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