We got through our Memorial Day weekend madness (three weddings...) and I don't feel too bad. So I've spent the morning looking over my plants and thought I'm come on and make note of new/newer Hoyas that are showing signs of new growth.
One that I'm most excited about is deykeae - I got it as a cutting in a GW trade over a year ago. It rooted fast, but has never done a thing. I absolutely LOVE the leaves on it - they have a blunt end that is vaguely heart shaped, and they're pretty succulent, too.
H. villosa has two new growth points. That's the one I got from Dee/GW - she had gotten two of them and offered me one. It has gorgeous veination and the leaves are fabulously large. It seems to like it on the top shelf in my GH.
I put H. magnifica in the sunroom in an east window when it seemed like it wasn't as happy in the GH this spring. It gets a couple hours of east sun, then the bright reflected light off the house next door the rest of the day. It has two new vines on one of the rooted cuttings - I'm waiting for some new growth on the other. I have a feeling it's not too far behind...
I moved pottsii over to the antique radio (it's getting pretty crowded on the shelves) and found a big-ol' new leaf. I got that one from CBFM last year, so I'm glad it's finally growing. I'm sure it's so similar to my nicholsoniae that it will be like having a duplicate. Oh well...
'Nong Nooch' is growing well, FINALLY! I've had that one for 2 years, got it from Carol/Aloha Hoyas. When it didn't grow the first year, I put it in hydroton. It put on just bit of new growth last year. The biggest of the original leaves is a beat-up leaf, so I'm anxious to have enough new growth so I can take that one off...
I chopped up macgillivrayii and two of the potted cuttings have taken off. Others are in various stages of rooting. (I took the cuttings over some time because I was hoping the mother plant would be ok...) Imperialis, which I did the same with, is doing well, too. I made two plants of it - one with just a single cutting, and the other has 3 or 4 cuttings. They're not all growing, but they seem to have stablized and I think they're going to be fine. So far, no signs of new growth on the old "stumps" of either, so I suspect the roots had gone bad on both of them. I also took a couple of cuttings from archboldiana, and the first one I rooted and potted up is putting on new growth. Another I took later is still in the aquarium, but I pulled it out this morning and it's chock-full of roots. The mother plant is showing no signs of new growth yet, so I keep a close eye on it and plan to chop it up if it shows any signs of declining.
'Dee's Big One' is really pumping out new growth (a cutting I got from Awanda last summer...), and naumanii is also growthing nicely, though the new growth seems wierdly blotchy. Megalaster grows, but it's new growth is so tender that even the slightest bump or touch damages the leaf and it falls off, so I'm going to move it somewhere away from other plants because it wants to grow into other plants and loses its leaves when I try to untangle it.
I also have some growth "nubbins" on 'Ruthie', and new growth on siariae, two others that I got from Dee a month or so ago. And excavata has rooted nicely, too, and will probably be showing signs of growth soon.
More later!
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