A quick post before I have to get ready for work... and a few comments, photos. I mentioned that I restarted my Hoya hueschkeliana and it's taking off. I put the little princess in a cute little cage and I think it's going to do well in there, if I'm careful to water it enough! I put it somewhere in the GH where I will see it daily, so hopefully that will help. Here's a photo (left) I took this morning. The leaves feel all firm and nice, which is awsome. They had gotten very dehydrated and I was really afraid I'd waited too long to restart it. But it had buds on it and I put it off to see the flowers. This new method I've been using (mossing the cut end in a baggy) in combination with the aquarium seems to be a real winner!
Then, this morning as I was spraying everyone down with VF-11, I found two open flower clusters on my fungii. I took a shot to get both of them in, so you can't see the detail, but I've posted photos of fungii flowers before...
My camera was set on a lower pixel setting (must have bumped it) so it's not as crisp as my photos usually are. The umbel om the right is hanging through the shelf wires, from foliage on the shelf above! Fungii is quite a wanderer. I have so many leaves that have grown through spaces too small to pull them out, so it's where it is permenantly, unless I want to lose some leaves in the process of moving it.
And one last comment before I run off to get ready for work... Left is the Epiphyllum I got from a GW guy last summer. It was a cutting and rooted FAST and grew some late in the summer and fall. It's taken off like a bat out of hell this spring and is growing like mad. Now if I only knew what it takes to get these babies to bloom! I'm liking it a lot, but Epis have such beautiful flowers, I really must learn to flower them. The guy I got it from "thought" it had read flowers. I guess I'll see what I can learn about getting them to bloom and see if I can find out for myself.More later!
I read that the Epiphyllums usually do bloom in spring, and to withhold any nitrogen from them pre-blooming time. I wonder if they need long perids of darkness for a few months prior to blooming as well? (maybe similarly to a Christmas Cactus)??? It will require some research. It sure will be fun to see what color you have!!!
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