Succulent Ramblings

I like to ramble on about my plants... and other things! My hope is to log the progress of plants and talk about my frustrations with others. So, tune in, turn on, or drop out (if you find it boring!)

Tuesday, March 31, 2020


As of Sat. night, there were 109 cases of coronavirus in Nebraska. They're saying that big jump was due to increased testing, so I imagine the numbers will go up significantly over the next few days. I don't see anything that brings the number up today. Maybe I'll hear more about it later today.

Getting back to the plants, I'm working on the fourth shelf now. There were other things on that third shelf, but nothing worth talking about at this point. Perhaps I'll have more to say about some of those other plants when they have time to grow out this spring.

Many of my Gasterias and Haworthias are looking a little rough, so I'm not going to post photos until later this summer. But I will show the Hoyas that are on shelf number 4.  But before I show the Hoyas, this is a start of Cissus rotundifolia, a crazy growing vine that's taking over my greenhouse. 
The second photo is it growing across the top of the greenhouse. My plan is to whack it up this spring and start a whole bunch of pots to sell and restart the main plant. I do like it, but it does go wild!

Below, first is pubicalyx 'Pink Dragon' and then pubicalyx 'Black Dragon'...
Yes, that's a yellowing leaf on the pink Dragon. It's not as bad as it looks in the photo, which is why I left it on. I think it might just be adjusting or may have been overwatered a bit. I'm hoping it'll change back to green, but if it doesn't, it's okay. I cut off a long stem that had three leaves on it, each leaf at a separate node. I cut those three nodes apart and put it in water to wait for some pots that I ordered on Amazon. I ordered 60 pots, 2.5 in, that come with three trays. As soon as it warms up enough to keep them outside, or to get succulents outside to make room for them in the greenhouse, I'll take a lot of cuttings. Anyway, the pink dragon has the longest peduncles I have ever seen on any Hoya!

Next is Hoya subquintinervis, the one I got from Gardino's several years ago. I have another one that I got several years before that as a cutting from Ted Green. They are very different. Kind of makes me think of the difference between the wide leaf macrophylla and the narrow leaf macrophylla. The markings are pretty much the same, but the size and shape of the leaf are very different. I really kind of prefer this one, probably because it's been more trouble free than the other one. Nicer growth habit to!
I got this Hoya shepherdii last summer at Mulhall's Nursery here in town. It had a lot of damage to it, some of which you can still see. As it grows, I remove the damaged leaves. But it was so healthy otherwise, I decided it was worth the money. I have a very small start besides this one, and this summer I'll probably put them both together and hope for lots of new growth.
I took down my Hoya parasitica Lau 2 that was in the dining room and snapped a picture of it when I realized it had new growth on it. The leaf with the reflection is a large new leaf, and there was one other leaf that was new. It seems to love the bright indirect reflected light of the dining room. Now if it would just flower for me!


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