I'm watching a program on the military channel about Hitler. Whenever I read or watch anything about that man and the horror of his reign, I have to wonder a lot of things...
...Where does someone like that come from? His evil, thankfully, is unique. I know there have been evil people in history - I'm not naive. Plenty of them. But this need to annailate SO many, his burning hatred of so many. What kind of family did he come from to produce such a creature? I shudder to think...
And he obviously inspired the same kind of evil. Millions of women raped. That took millions of rapists - well, at least hundreds of thousands. We only hear about 6 million Jews dead, but they talk about 50 MILLION dead across Europe. That's ove 8 times more than the 6 million Jews we hear about. He was ONE man. How could he have inspired so much evil?
Why wasn't there one person, ONE freakin' person, who could put a bullet in this man's head? He inspired SO many people to do horrific things, yet there was no one so disgusted and mortified and sickened enough by what this man was doing that they would risk giving their life to stop his deadly reign? I gotta be honest that this makes me sicker than the fact that this man existed. That there was not one, ONE who would do what it took to take this man OUT.
I just don't get it... I can only hope that today's Germans feel as horrible about their ancestor's participation in Hitler's reign as Americans do about their ancestor's participation in slavery.
'Nuff said...