I just wanted to pop in and document the cuttings I got from Joni @ SRQ Hoyas so that I can keep track of their progress (or lack thereof...knock on wood!) I won't be doing photos until they root, but this was kind of a unique experience and I wanted to have it down "on paper" so I can refer back and see if it was a worthwhile endeavor.
I ordered them from Joni on the 3rd - a Monday. Asked her if she could ship right away because it was predicted that the week would be warm, but it would get cold over the weekend. Even though she typically takes orders all week long, then ships on Saturdays, she was kind enough to take the cuttings and mail them immediately, that day. The box got lost somewhere in transit - it was supposed to be delivered on the 5th, but it took a formal inquiry and them opening a case for it to be finally "cut loose" from wherever it was. It was finally delivered on 12/12, several days after the cold snap.
I was pleasantly surprised at what good shape they seemed to be in - all but one, that is. Cv. Joy looks a little sad, dehydrated, but the rest look good. Now, whether they internally suffered some damage and will decline, who knows? I have great hopes, though, for them to root. They're all in humidity domes now, in perlite.
I know that this is a tough time of year to be rooting, but Joni was having quite a nice sale with several species only being $4. Here's what I got...
H. fitchii (to add to my little cutting I got from Ted)
H. cv. Joy (this one was $10)
H. aff. scortechinii
H. siamica
H. pallilimba
H. panchoi
H. neoebudica
H. naumannii (to replace one lost)
H. heushkeliana (yellow form)
H. hellwigiana (trying it again)
H. fuscomarginata (this was $10)
H. flavida (to replace one I got from Dee)
I will post the status of these cuttings as I see changes.