I have to rant once more about the "me too" movement. I'm starting to think this is some kind of hysteria. This morning on GMA, it talked about the new allegations against Morgan Freeman and how his lawyers are threatening to sue CNN if they don't retract their report. When I first heard that Morgan had been "called out" on sexual harassment of 8 women, I thought it sounded ridiculous, but of course I thought the same thing about Bill Cosby, so who knows? But this morning, they gave details of the two that have come forward... And here they are.
Sounds like a pregnant woman was interviewing Morgan and three others, including Michael Caine. They of course don't give you any details before this spot in the interview, but essentially Michael says to the reporter, "I never tell a woman congratulations on the coming baby because I once did that and the lady wasn't pregnant!" Morgan laughs and said what sounds like, "I wish I was there!" I'm not sure what he meant by that, but apparently the reporter said, "If you knew where he was looking when he said it, you'd know it was totally inappropriate!"
Seriously? THIS is now considered sexual harassment? First of all, I'm betting what sounds like "I wish I was there" was really (or meant to be) "I've been there!" That's how I interpreted it. Even if he was being suggestive, c'mon ladies, are we really such weenies that we can't brush off a stupid comment???
Second one... a woman reporter (a black lady) was interviewing Morgan. She asked him how he liked bachelorhood. He said, "I love it! I can look at you and drool if I want!" Two OTHER women reporters on CNN were talking about this part of the interview calling it sexual harassment. The woman doing the interviewing has since been interviewed herself and she said she absolutely felt no sense of sexual harassment from Morgan. Finally, a woman who isn't being violated by a mere comment!
I'm just appalled that it's come to the point that even suggesting that a woman might be desirable can be called sexual harassment. That women can't deal with a simple complement without becoming hysterical and screaming "sexual harassment!" If I feel a comment is meant to be a compliment, I either smile or say "what a nice thing to say!" If it crosses a line, I change the subject. For 95% of men, that sends a clear signal. For the 5% that might push forward with another comment, I would say, "Knock it off!" And I don't think I've ever run into a man who advanced beyond that point.
I know... they say men in power feel entitled to go as far as they want. First of all, I think that's a gross exaggeration. Not ALL men in power think they can have their way with any woman, or hold his power over her to get "favors." And the few who do wouldn't have that power without cooperation. In other words, none of this would be going on if every woman exerted her power to say that teeny-tiny two letter word... NO!! It's the bitches who decided THEIR career or THEIR advancement or THEIR high-paying job was worth putting up with this shit that gave these men to power to keep doing it. So I don't particularly blame the men who DO harass any more than I blame the women who put up with it! Am I the only woman who feels this way?
Off to work... back to plants next time!