I feel the question, though never spoken, "why do you stay?" In my relationship, that is... I know it probably seems like a real mystery from the outside. I complain often, though it's more like a "release valve" on a water heater... letting off steam. Mark and I are like oil and water for the most part. He's negative, I'm positive. He's clouds and I'm sunshine. We are polar opposites, it's true. There was a time when I felt sure I balanced him out, but in his old age and (I hate to say it) brain-damaged state, he has tipped the scales. His negativity truly challenges my positivity! But I'm determined to be the victor!!
Enough pep talk. Mark has some real issues because of his (what I call) brain damage. The docs told me back in 2012 when he had the seizure that caused the car accident that the MRIs of his brain showed signs of several "mini strokes". I guess these are not uncommon, but he's had a LOT of them. And they're from the Burger's Disease. He's probably had more since then since he won't stop smoking. And his personality continues to change. And his weirdness gets... well, weirder! Of course, he has no recognition of it whatsoever. So when I comment about it, he just gets angry and defensive. I probably should just stop even making the observation out loud...
But back to why I stay. I guess two reasons... One is out of respect for the man he once was. There was a time when he was fun, relatively normal. Never a great husband, mind you. Not a bad one either. As far as I know, he's never, ever cheated on me. But could I ever get him to lift a finger around the house?? Hell no! There came a point when I just accepted that the man was a fucking asshole when it came to being an equal in household chores. Do you divorce a guy over that? I don't have particularly high standards, so I accepted it.
Ok, off that subject that just makes me wanna kick his ass! Which brings me to the 2nd reason... I loved Mark's mom, Thelma. What a great lady she was! Mark is her only child (adopted) and though they were not particularly close when she passed, she and I had spent some time together. It kind of felt like there was an implied contract (loving one, mind you) that I would look after Mark. I kind of think she knew he would need looking after... so I feel compelled to be his guardian angel of sorts until... well, whenever. He may outlive me (SOB if he does!!) so I've set up a trust. Not that I have THAT much money from selling the biz, but he's such a fucking dumb-ass when it comes to money, I knew that if I didn't have it set up, he'd just blow through what little I have in a year or so and be homeless... So it's to protect him from HIMSELF so he can (hopefully) get through the rest of his sorry life!!
So that's why I stay. I do still enjoy his company now and then. He can be so annoying, but I still get glimpses of the old days. We can sit on the porch and talk about things like music. That seems to be a subject that we can still relate about!! And a few other things, random things. But there are things I have to avoid... if I complain about anything at all, he jumps on it with a vengeance and is like a rabid dog that won't let it go. So I have to be careful about what I bring up.
I don't want to sound like it's all negative. He tries in a few ways. He takes the trash to the curb. He'll wash the dishes a couple times a week. He'll go get me some vodka if I'm out. Here are the things I wish he would do... take a shower every day. Fold his laundry and put it away. Clean the damn downstairs toilet and sink (they get SOO gross!!) Clean up the freakin' basement so we can get new carpet, new flat screen TV, new surround sound. I've told him... I'm willing to spend five grand on these three things if he'd just CLEAN UP THE BASEMENT!! What kind of dumbass doesn't hop on that deal????