More to report...
I've started a "cuttings for sale" list that I plan to offer to a few in the cactus club and anyone on GW who might be interested. I have lots of a few to offer, and a little of quite a few more. If all goes well this year, by next summer, I should have a lot of a lot more. (Confusing, right? =)
Anyway, my puttering today is yielding more to observations. Let's see... I pulled one of the pieces of H. davidcummingii out of the aquarium and it's rehydrated! Yay! I was so sure it was a goner. There are two more pieces in there that are still dehydrated...maybe they'll come around eventually.
H. leucorhoda has gobs of new growth. This is one that grows kind of like 'Iris Marie', but the leaves are wider. When I got the cutting, it was very large and the leaves very washed out. The leaves have greened back up (they remain a little splotchy, which may or may not go away), but the new growth is bright, beautiful green. I've got it in a largish pot with...
H. longifolia - this is one I wanted for a long time. You can tell by my collection that I love the long-leaved species, and this was one of the last that I still didn't have. The cutting rooted nicely and looks awesome. I would go ahead and pull it out and put it in a pot by itself, but it's got a new peduncle that's budding up! Yes, ALREADY! I'll wait for it to bloom, then put it in a pot by itself. I'm hoping that maybe I can trade with someone this summer and get some more of it...
H. dischorensis and H. rubida are two that I also rooted together, too. They're very similar IMO. Both are growing and looking happy at the moment. I suppose I should separate them this spring, too. When plants are happy growing together, I'm loathe to separate them, but I also hate it when the roots become so intertwined that it's impossible to untangle them. Hoyas are a little more sensitive to root disturbance than other plants...
I probably mentioned before that I found a single peduncle on 'Iris Marie'. It seems to be a teeny bit more "fuzzy" on the end, to maybe it's budding up. I'll be interested to see the blooms.
I'll be watching and posting more in the next few weeks. We have time off of work...